Futuristic image with man pressing CO2 icon


Working group 2
Standards and Norms Compatibility


Benefits of joining the working group:


One initiative, updates from all of them (PACT, TFS, CX…).

Propose work items.

Drive alignment of standards with ESTAINIUM analytics projects.

Use ESTAINIUM services for your reporting or solution.

  • Intransparent landscape of standards
  • Incompatibility of standards
  • Incompatibility of data models



Targets 2024
  • Keep data models aligned in v3
  • Additional web services for practitioners
  • First API for solution providers
  • Indicator expansion, CBAM



Current status
  • Data Models V2 aligned (PACT, CX, TFS)
  • First Web service published (Standards Map)
  • Two paper pending (PDS and Auditing)



  • Primary data share research project (TU Berlin, Estainium funded) - results have high resonance among LCA practioner community, paper pending, Estainium establishes reputation as neutral expert voice within PCF standards community
  • PCF Verification paper - Estainium establishes reputation as neutral expert voice within verification of product-related environmental claims, paper submitted
  • Knowledge Hub kick off with first proprietary result: Standards map (around 500 standards in for analysis) - consolidates all available standards and rulesets with regard to environmental claims (LCA standards, PCF standards, cross-sectoral rules, product category rules etc)


Further Achievements
  • PCF Data model alignment activities as mediator among major PCF industry initiatives (Estainium guides discussions among major PCF standard initiatives focusing on technical data model alignment for exchanging PCFs along the value chain)
  • Estainium stage presentation at high ranked LCA expert conference (Life cycle management conference (LCM), 2023, Lille France) - discussing the role of associations for fostering and globally aligning LCA practice.