General Meeting at Merck in Darmstadt

The first day of our General Meeting was fantastic! We started with official reports, approvals, and re-elections, welcoming two new board members, Rudolf Maier and Ulrich Grauvogel, to support ESTAINUM's growth. Our working group leaders reviewed last year's achievements and outlined future plans, showcasing our collective knowledge and capabilities. We were particularly impressed by the pilot demo from Working Group 1, which used verifiable credentials on a decentralized network to exchange WBCSD compliant PCF data, marking a significant step in enhancing transparency and traceability in environmental sustainability through blockchain technology.

After diving deeper into the history of our host, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, we embarked on an impressive factory tour through their "small town" of 12,500 employees, explored the Innovation Center, and learned about Merck's sustainability contributions. What an amazing company with over 300,000 products!

We then discussed progress at Factory-X and ESTAINIUM's leading role in the Carbon Footprint Management use case, with a focus on agile setup and first PI planning. We had lively exchanges on communication and marketplace topics, wrapping up with discussions on our unique Knowledge HUB and ESTAINIUM Growth.

A heartfelt thank you to all members for your participation and inspiring two days. It's great to see what we've achieved together in the past two years, and we're excited for what lies ahead!

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